Student Leadership Accreditation (SLA)
The SLA offers a formal way to champion and celebrate the leadership skills our secondary students develop in and out of school, requiring students to create a portfolio in which they gather and upload evidence to showcase their skills. They grade their work using a self-assessment framework that covers ten core skill sets, grouped into three themes:

What do we mean by leadership?
Leadership means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. This award recognizes all sorts of different leadership activities, such as school council, writing for the school blog, captain of a sports team, it really doesn’t matter as long as you are displaying the skills listed on the criteria grid below.

Strands Bronze Silver Gold
Developing Myself 1. Commitment Being punctual Being dedicated Getting others
2. Organisation
Organising a group
Knowing what to do Planning ahead Involved
and planning
3. Communication Communicating
within a group
outside a group
Communicating with
a range of people
including in public
4. Being accountable Having a
Having a
Having responsibility
for success
Contributing to my community 5.Being a role model Behaving well Being respected Being respected
and helping others
become respected
6.Using my skills
to help others
personal skills
Using skills to
help others
Actively looking for
opportunities to
help others
my community
Being aware of
my community
Contributing to
my community
Making a lasting
contribution to
my community
Working with others 8.Team working Being part Working well Leading a team
9.Presenting Telling the
audience things
Explaining things
to the audience
the audience
and reflection
Acting on
others comments
Acting on
to improve
Acting on my own
and others reflections to
improve at the same time