Learning English in an English immersion environment
All our students are English language learners. Students entering the school in Grade 9 are placed, according to entrance test results, into either intermediate or advanced English language classes. The EAL teaching team supports all Grade 9 intermediate students in their English language learning.

ULC's whole-school approach
• All teachers are aware of the learning needs of English language learners
• English language learning needs are a focus of all lesson planning, teaching and assessment for all subjects taught in English at
ULink College
• EAL Specialist Teachers and Grade 9 Subject Teachers work closely together both inside and outside the classroom

EAL Department Objective
The EAL teaching team members are committed to ensuring inclusive access to the curriculum. They do this by -
• Working alongside subject specialists to help provide scaffolding support for complex assessment tasks in English
• Providing regular collaborative planning and team teaching of lessons with Grade 9 subject specialists