CAS stands for College Application Services. ULink College provides expert advice and guidance on choosing colleges majors, entry requirements, essay and personal statement writing, application procedures, and career planning etc.

College and careers planning begins as soon as a student joins us. From Grade 9 onwards every student´s progress is monitored individually, through the school by one-to-one guidance with our CAS advisers.

Junior and senior seminars are provided to G11 and G12 students once a week to prepare them for studying abroad. Students can learn about the practicalities of applying to college, the experience of being there and how to cope with the university life.

Our college advisers monitor the progress all the way through to admission into university. As a result we are proud of our 100% record of university acceptance.

Here are some important steps you will want to take each year to help yourself prepare for college success.
Grade 9
- Discover -
Grade 10
- Explore -
Grade 11
- Select -
Grade 12
- Achieve -
  • Discover interests. Begin to think about college and career goals that fit well with your interests
  • Make an appointment with your assigned college application adviser and seek their advice on college planning
  • Start connecting to colleges through college fairs and college visits etc.
  • Explore careers that might interest you, get some practical experience about your possible career choices
  • Start to familiarize yourself with the IELTS/ TOFEL, SAT/ACT…etc.
  • Join competitions, forums and summer/winter camps. See your assigned adviser regularly
  • Select a list of your intended colleges, list the admission requirements, deadlines, and other important information about each college.
  • Draft your personal statement/essay during semester 2
  • Make sure to finish your IELTS/TOEFL, SAT/ACT or other required tests by the end of Grade 11.
  • Conduct your own project/research that is related to your major.
  • Join competitions, forums and summer/winter camps.
  • Meet your assigned advisor more often
  • Finalize your college list for application.
  • Have your Personal statement/Essay ready
  • Ask for reference letters
  • Complete and submit all your college applications by their deadlines
  • Keep on track until the final offer is confirmed
  • Apply for scholarships, accommodation, visas etc.

Goal Action Timeline
Aim to help G12s determine
the best overall application
strategy for applying
Senior seminar Once a week throughout the year
Meeting individual G12 students Throughout the year
Monitoring and tracking each application (more than 1500 forms to check) please refer to the deadlines on next page) Throughout the year
PS and Essay review August-January
Top up programme ( Oxbridge, EA, ED…Top universities) Throughout the year
Admission test (PAT, MAT, TSA…) arrangement March-November
Mock interview arrangement September-November
Reference letter arrangement August-December
Update college acceptance Throughout the year
Search and help applying for scholarships/ accommodation…. Throughout the year
Help Mailing required documents to college Throughout the year
Guidance on Bank statement preparation for visa purpose to both parents and students January-September
G11: Aim to help G11s start
researching possible
college choices
Junior seminar Once a week throughout the year
Meeting individual G11 students Throughout the year
Top up programme Throughout the year
Admission test and extra lesson arrangement for potential Oxbridge students March-May
PS and Essay guidance (how to Draft a PS) March-May
G10: Aim to help G10s
identify possible career
path and career goal
Appointment with college adviser Throughout the year
One to one career counselling appointment Throughout the year
G10 career development lecture September
Career checker October-November
G9: Aim to help G9s start
thinking about their college goal
Appointment with college adviser Throughout the year
Appointment with career counselor Throughout the year
G9 Career development lecture October
G9 college planning (get students familiar with their CAS advisor/set college goal) November